Tuesday, June 28, 2011

House Tour - Part 2

Welcome back friends.  Come on upstairs! 

The guest room.  We have removed J.'s surfboard and have the room painted.  I'll have to post the "after" pictures after we get everything up on the walls :) 

Reading nook in the guest room.

 The main bathroom.  We would LOVE to completely redo the bathroom but that will have to wait for awhile.  For now, we've gotten a new light fixture and a new toilet seat.  The new light fixture is amazing - putting make-up on before was like a guessing game.  It was rough.

The sweet paper that lines everything upstairs -- all of the cupboards and drawers in the bathroom and also the shelves in the linen closet.  I am going to leave it in the bathroom since we eventually want to replace everything anyways, but we need to figure something out for the linen closet.  ASAP.

Our bedroom.  It's not a great picture and you can't really tell, but the dark wall was painted an awkward maroon-ish brown color.  We have since painted it navy blue and are looking for new bedding.  If anyone finds bedding in any sort of navy/gray/yellow combination, let me know!  I'd also like to get a ceiling fan/light fixture combo - we don't have A/C out here so a fan would be nice in the summer.  And I'd like to paint my closet.  J. just painted his and it looks really good.  And now I'm jealous.

 My super cute built-in dressers.  And no, that does not mean I gave up my regular dresser :)

And that's the upstairs.  It's small but it's all we need.  We've got a huge room which is awesome and a good sized guest room -- I'd rather have two decent sized rooms than three small ones!  I'll be back soon with some pictures from the yard -- including a before, during and after photo shoot of my GIANT flower bed.  I may or may not have spent over 20 hours weeding the bed.  For real.

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